Protecta*Lite® Externally Gapped Line Arresters
Introducing our externally gapped line arrester (EGLA), the newest addition to the Protecta*Lite family. Learn how an EGLA is designed and works to improve system reliability while eliminating lightning induced flashovers.
History of Hubbell's Arrester Technology
A look at Hubbell's 70+ year history of arrester innovation and education.
In Depth: Distribution Arresters - Hubbell
An In Depth look at Hubbell's Distribution Arresters.
Hubbell Power Systems - Metal Oxide Varistor Overview
Overview of the features and production of Hubbell's MOV disc. The heart of the Surge Arrester.
In Depth: PDV-100SP Arrester - Hubbell
The PDV-100SP Arrester is designed for areas prone to wildfires.
Hubbell Power Systems - Metal Oxide Varistor
The component critical for the arrester to work is the M-O-V —the heart of the surge arrester. The MOV or Metal Oxide Varistor is a disk or block of crystalline semiconductor material made from zinc oxide.
Protecta*Lite® Systems Surge Arresters
Line surge arresters behave like insulators at normal line to ground voltage. However, when the arresters are subjected to a high voltage surge, they become conductive and divert surges to ground preventing the external flashover of an insulator.
Factory Tour Aiken (Spanish)
A brief overview of our manufacturing capabilities in Aiken, SC.
Factory Tour: Aiken - Hubbell Power Systems
A brief overview of the capabilities of our facility in Aiken, SC.